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Ai Unveiled

- Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Ethics, and Society
 Format: E-book, Paperback Books  Author: Dennis Frank  Category: Cryptocurrency  Publisher: KryptoKraken™ Productions  Published: February 19, 2024  ISBN: 9798876255662  ISBN: 979-8876255662  ASIN: B0CW1BDF6S  Pages: 299  Country: US  Language: English  Dimension: 6x9  Item Weight: 14.3 ounces  Tags: AI and PrivacyAI and SocietyAI Ethics BookAI for Problem SolvingAI in EducationAI in EntertainmentAI in FinanceAI in HealthcareAI in RetailAI Innovations BookAI TechnologyArtificial Intelligence BookEthical AIFuture of AI BookTechnology Impact Book |  Buy Now
"Book cover for 'AI Unveiled: Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Ethics, and Society' featuring a striking half-black, half-white robotic face symbolizing the dual nature of artificial intelligence.
Cover of ‘AI Unveiled’ by Dennis Frank, depicting a robotic face split in black and white, representing the ethical and technological dualities of AI

AI Unveiled: Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Ethics, and Society” by Dennis Frank is a comprehensive exploration of Artificial Intelligence and its multifaceted impact on our lives and society. This book demystifies AI, breaking it down into understandable components, emphasizing that AI is not just about replicating human intelligence but about creating tools to assist in daily tasks, problem-solving, and fostering discoveries beyond our current capabilities. It’s tailored for everyone, regardless of their background, offering insights into AI’s potential to improve our lives while also addressing the challenges and ethical considerations it presents.

Frank’s work highlights the invisible revolution AI is orchestrating in various sectors like healthcare, finance, and education, transforming industries and reshaping job markets. The book also delves into personal finance, retail, and entertainment, illustrating how AI is revolutionizing these fields. It stresses the importance of understanding AI beyond its technical aspects, considering its societal implications, and navigating the ethical and privacy concerns associated with it. The book is an enlightening journey into the heart of modern innovation, offering a balanced view of AI’s potential impact on our world and the future.

About the author

Dennis Frank

Dennis Frank, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of   Dennis Frank is a respected author and commentator in the fields of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and tokenomics. With a diverse background spanning website development, content creation, and continuing education, Dennis brings a unique...

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